DTB Dış Ticaret Bilgi Merkezi

DTB Dış Ticaret Bilgi Merkezi which has been providing the most accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive business information reports since 1996, has been accepted as the reliable business information agency of Turkey, by the leading credit insurers, finance institutions and information agencies of the world.

Since 1996 we have been offering risk management solutions on international level assisting financial institutions to check creditworthiness, mitigate risks and make smarter business decisions. With our experience and capability in the implementation of financial technology we develop analytical solutions and accurate reports.

Our commercial credit reports are accepted as the unique source of credit lending decisions of our impressive portfolio of international clients such as export credit agencies, credit insurance companies, globally known financial institutions, trade organizations, embassies… We have many years of experience as a professional independent business information agency with highly skilled and knowledgeable analysts and highly developed technology. up-to-date and comprehensive business information reports

The power of DTB stems from the fact that we focus on your overall goal of acquiring reliable and comprehensive commercial credit report to take sound business decisions and eliminate insolvency risk.

Take correct decisions with DTB’s accurate and up-to-date business information

DTB Dış Ticaret Bilgi Merkezi Ltd Şti, is a member of FEBIS (Federation of Business Information Service), BIIA Business Information Industry Association and Ticari ve Finansal Bilgi Derneği (Commercial and Financial Information Association).